Sunday, 18 November 2007


If playing another's game using the parts of the law they chose is not working out for you - change the game and use different parts of the law that you chose.

Life, society, is all about agreements; so make them on your terms. Shift the goal posts in your favour. While one faction of society may have a temporary advantage due to the state of current technology, technology changes and new agreements can be made taking the new technology into account. You do not have to persist in doing things the old way.

The old centralised distribution model based on control: Big business controlled distribution, and they used that leverage to hold artists to ransom and wrestle ownership of their art away from them. Once they had both ownership and distribution they were in total control. This is an unnatural state of affairs, and a huge overbalance in favour of the business community. As a result: art, and the artist, has suffered (almost becoming a second class citizen unless a favourite of the corporations. The poor artist is a 'romantic' cliche).

This is no longer the case!
P2P: We are looking to build an altogether new decentralised distribution system with the proven technology already on offer. We seek to embrace and exploit the power of P2P, the greatest distribution network ever devised, and in so doing create a global 'art network' where artists and fans can reconnect without interference from the hordes of grey middle men. To look forward to a world where an artist can distribute copyrighted media without any form of corporate control and still make money. Payment for artwork is in appreciation: it is asked for, not demanded up front.

The new decentralised distribution model based on respect: Free P2P distribution via government regulated private utilities (ISPs and telcos). These utilities have no say (nor wish to) over legal content being passed over their networks. Manufacturing hard copy has moved away from big factories and into our homes with the advent of CD/ DVD burners and ink-jet printers. This means artists are now free to distribute their content direct to the public; big media companies no longer have a hold over us, as their unfair leverage has been removed. Balance is restored, business is doing what it does best: (ISP, banks and services) and artists are doing what they do best: (art!),

The chains are broken, we are already free.
Current generation: This doesn't mean much for the current generation, sorry folks but if you are signed up with a big media company under some draconian, rights stripping, contract you are going to miss out of this artistic distribution revolution. This is for the next generation, the up and comers, the new talent. We at Artists Unchained do not advocate or endorse pirating. Fortunately the new generation still have all their artistic rights and ownership (and integrity). Using this system they will retain their rights.

Alternatively, if you can get out of your contract, or it's about to run out, you may want to read more...

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